Saturday 17 October 2009

halloween party

radio script- revised

FX: halloween party atmosphere

A: What is it about Halloween that brings out the strange human urge to look like a complete freak?

B: What ya talking about?

A: Well just look at her – big nose, wart - I take it she’s a witch. I mean, if you're gonna turn up as a woman with supernatural powers, why not go for the hot pants and the bullet deflecting bracelets? She just looks like an extra from the Addams family.

C: D’you mind? That’s my girlfriend.

B: Lighten up mate. It's just a bit of fun.

A: And what’s THAT? Looks like it's come back from the dead – and what’s it eating?

C: That’s my girlfriend!

B: It's a zombie y’thicko.

A: Ooh, scary. But they’re not real though are they.

B: No. Hang on though. Supernatural power? Coming back from the dead? Sounds a bit like that Jesus bloke dun’it?

A: Yeah. An’ he WHA real.


Billy said...

Calling Jesus a zombie now? :-)

True zombies were never really dead in the first place. They are created by giving someone tetrodotoxin (from puffer fish) then burying them to induce brain damage through oxygen starvation, You then dig them up and voila - pentecostal fundie.I must be talking to Ryan too much recently :-)

Bruce said...

see if you like the revised version billy, (with a little help from my yorkshire friends)..
and thanks for filling me in about zombies, well ya learn something every day!

Billy said...

see if you like the revised version billy

Yeah. An’ he WHA real.

It may come as some suprise to you, but I'm a little doubtful about that. I don't think he actually existed

Coming up anytime soon?