Saturday 23 January 2010

easter ads... 4

In thinking about what I want to say about Easter, I’m first asking, what does it mean to me? If Jesus, this character whose words and deeds on earth are remote in time and recorded in an ancient book - is present and with me today, how does that affect how I live my life? I kind of feel I’ve only got something meaningful to say to others to the extent the message is somehow embodied in my own life. Then again, this is thinking quite a way along the spiritual road. Need to get a feel for a non-believer’s starting point; what effect do I want this ad to have on the listener, and how best achieve that? How far along the road can I expect to try and move someone? And by the way billy, I’m not expecting your average punter to be born again at the end of 30 seconds.
Think Easter, and a lot of people think ’easter eggs’. Now how have we got from a bloke rising from the dead 2000 years ago, to a Cadbury’s creme? Or how might we get back again? Uncovering the true meaning of easter. A journey, detective investigation? Easter – get behind the eggs… I’ll think on it.


Billy said...

I’m not expecting your average punter to be born again at the end of 30 seconds.

Why not, I've seen Derren Brown convert people to christianity instantly and he's a gay atheist?

You seem to worry a lot about what mr jesus requires of you - What were the two greatest commandments? (well, Confucious came up with one of them first).

Without intending to be unkind, the only folk you will attract by talking about resurrections will be the ones with limited capacity critical thinking.

Bruce said...

i'm not particularly worrying about what mr jesus requires of me, not sure wot gives that impression.
i've learned one thing tho billy, i didn't know db was gay.