Thursday 30 September 2010

friendship across boundaries (cont'd)

I appreciate the feedback from both Billy and Lisa, helps bring some of the questions and issues into relief. For starters, belief is not (just) a head thing. Billy you’re tending to view it as ‘mental propositions you assent to’, when of course to a christian it’s so much more. Trust, faith - which are larger, richer words than belief - in God shapes and colours and transforms my entire being and the way I live my life. It also gives my personal sense of purpose and direction. It’s not hard to see how in a close relationship where you are seeking to walk and flourish together, there is potential for conflict and limitation of intimacy if you are at odds at such a profound level.
Also billy it’s you who are using this word struggle. I don’t feel I’m struggling with this, but exploring with a light heart and curiosity.
Actually I feel it’s partly the boldness and sense of adventure I have developed through the life of faith that has propelled me to seek out new friendships in the first place. I think I was in the past sometimes too timid and restricted in my views of how to relate to ‘non-believers’. Jesus himself is my inspiration in this, his mould and barrier breaking approach to relationships.
You are right about treating people as people, not to be pigeon-holed. I feel the faith and love growing in me as a christian - not that Christians monopolise either! - motivate me to truly listen, get to know and respond to the ’hidden country’ of each person’s heart I meet. That’s the goal anyway!


h. said...

well on a personal level I could agree with this - in my experience it is my practice as a christian which encourages me to listen, to risk , to move outside the boundaries which all cultures - christian included - create. Or in more religious language christ is always at war even with his own church, breaking down its cultural assumptions and stupidities and leading it deeper into his limitless life...

st patricks breastplate expresses this nicely for me :

Christ in the heart of all who think of me,
Christ on the tongue of all who speak to me,
Christ in the eye of all who see me,
Christ in the ear of all who hear me

time for breakfast - trust you are well Mr G. - did you read that James Alison article I posted on facebook - he talks about all this sort of stuff in there..

Lisa Cuellar said...

Nicely said h.

I agree ;)

Bruce, I found this post inspiring.

Billy said...

Erm, not sure about where all the faith not being a mind thing is relevant to what I have said on the matter.

I find it odd that you credit "jesus" with making you want to make new friends - everyone else seems to manage on their own. I'm surprised you feel timid as you have lots of christian friends - maybe there is something else that has been putting you off.

I would also say you are struggling if you don't know whether you should or not

h. said...

caputo lecture which might interest you - i can handle philosophy as long as i dont have to read or remember anything...

Bruce said...

thanks guys, i'll try check out links soon...
billy don't worry i don't feel timid now, and i think the way you're thinking of 'needing jesus' here is a tad off the mark...

Bruce said...

oh and there you are lisa, in concert! thanks for link, well done and keep at it :)